Die drie pilare waarop die grondslag van Grey Kollege, die derde oudste skool in Suid-Afrika, gebou is. Die grondslag van ‘n instansie wat daarvoor staan dat hy gebalanseerde leiers van môre die toekoms instuur. Leiers wat hulle eie besluite kan neem, maar ook geleer is om verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar vir die gevolge van elke besluit wat gemaak word.
“ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
– Nelson Mandela
This is what we stand for at Grey College and therefore we create an opportunity for each and every learner at Grey to find their own niche in life and to live out their dreams. With a wide academic subject choice, we provide the opportunity for every learner to prepare himself for the job market of tomorrow.
Leerlinge word nie net binne die klaskamer opgevoed nie. ‘n Baie wye buite-kurrikulêre rooster verseker dat daar geleentheid vir elkeen is om aan ten minste een somer- en een winteraktiwiteit te kan deelneem, hetsy dit sport of kultuur is.
Grey Kollege respekteer diversiteit en streef daarna om ‘n hegte gemeenskap te vorm waar elkeen se agtergrond en standpunt gerespekteer word; waar elkeen aangemoedig word om op te staan vir dit waarin hy glo asook respek vir waardes soos self-dissipline, verdraagsaamheid, integriteit, goeie maniere asook spanwerk.
Grey College learners form part of a unique macrocosm where each one is compelled to play his part to ensure that this legacy will last forever. We strive to establish a unique and strong bond in each and every boy who has the privilege to set foot on this beautiful campus rich in tradition and history.
We believe that you will find this website as informative and exciting as each and everyone of us involved at Grey College, where our motto is:
Nihil Stabile Quad Infidum – Nothing is Steadfast if it is not True.
E-pos: of skakel 051 444 1513