Principal | Hoof
The vision we have is to ensure we look after our students’ wellbeing. We focus on the holistic development of our boys and start every morning with a register period. Our register teachers share the theme of the week on topics such as respect, humility, gratitude and acceptance of others. Each class is allocated a prefect who joins the register class on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The prefects carry the Grey values and ensure the boys receive guidance. We host grade-specific assemblies where our heads of discipline and academic convenors discuss relevant issues with the boys on topics such as academics, the dangers of social media, bullying and mental health.
Ons graadhoofde bly in noue kontak met ouers aangaande hul seun se akademiese en emosionele welstand. Grey Kollege bied ’n beskermde omgewing vir seuns om uit hul foute te leer. Wanneer ’n seun ’n oortreding aangaan, word hy eerstens deur sy graadhoof van dissipline ingeroep om die probleem aan te spreek, die leer wat plaasgevind het, te bespreek waarna toepaslike korrektiewe maatreëls uitgereik word. Ouers word ten alle tye op hoogte gehou wat betref die dissiplinêre proses. Ons tree ook op in noue samewerking met ons skoolsielkundiges wat bystand lewer indien nodig.
Kontak gerus u seun se graadhoof van dissipline of hoof van akademie.
Kliek op naam van gekose graadhoof om ‘n epos te stuur:
Grade 8: Nico Venter
Grade 9: HD Van Heerden
Grade 10: Martin Jansen van Rensburg
Grade 11: Sechaba Matsoele
Grade 12: Marcel Cronjé
Click on the name of chosen convenor to send an email:
Grade 8: Sannette Greyvenstein
Grade 9: Tania Smith
Grade 10: Shaun Human
Grade 11: Hendri Theron
Grade 12: Fanie Schoeman